Research Papers

Employee Ownership for Black Workers: Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
Two undeniable facts make employee ownership a viable solution for closing the racial wealth gap: the wealth gap in America — and Atlanta in particular — is widening and steady, low-wage employment is failing to make a difference. This study explores how traditional structures have contributed to the concentration of[...]

Strategies to Advance Black Employee Ownership
Broad-based employee ownership sustains quality jobs and builds wealth for employees. It creates stronger and more profitable businesses and preserves the legacy and wealth of small businesses in communities. Project Equity’s publication, Strategies to Advance Black Employee Ownership Employee Ownership offers strategies and practical considerations to advance Black employee ownership[...]

Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond Evaluation Findings
This report describes the results of the evaluation of the Village Enterprise poverty graduation program, conducted in Kenya and Uganda between November 2017 and December 2020. The objective of this evaluation was to measure the causal impact of the program on household consumption and assets.